Transcript from the video: 3 Ways to Say Please in Haitian Creole
how do you say “Please” in Haitian Creole?
Hi, this is Swans from and I will show you three ways to say “please” in Haitian Creole.
The first way to say “Please” in Haitian Creole is, “silvouplè”.
Okay, one more time “Silvouplè”.
one last time, “Silvouplè”.
Okay, the second way you can say, “Silteplè”.
okay, “silteplè”. That’s another way to say thank you one again you say, “silteplè”.
The third way to say “Please” in Haitian Creole is “Tanpri”
And the third way which is more common is to say, “Tanpri”, “Tanpri”.
Okay, so I will be spelling each in each case. So when it comes to “Silvouplè” It’s “s-i-l-v-o-u-p-l-è” with the grave accent, that’s “silvouplè”
now the second way which is “Silteplè”
you say you spell it as “s-i-l-t-e-p-l-è”
with the act with the grave accent that’s “silteplè” .
and the third way which is the most common way is to say, “Tanpri” so you said you spell it as
What is the connection between French and Haitian Creole?
“t-a-n-p-r-i”, which makes “Tanpri”. now what is the connection between those three words and French? There is a connection because they all come from French. So how do you so that brings us to this question how do you say um “please” in French? You can say “s’il vous plaît” in French. You can also say, “S’il te plaît”, but uh in Haitian Creole uh we use “Tanpri” and that “tanpri” comes from the French, “Je t’en prie”.
Okay so this is how the connection is when it comes to how to say, “S’il te plaît”
um “please” in Haitian Creole and “please” in French.
I hope the video was useful. If you want more details, if you want more information, please give me a like, make a comment. You can ask me your questions in on this channel, and of course.
if you need help with uh translation with translation, if you need to translate, let’s say a bilingual document a bilingual documentary where you have French and Haitian Creole mixed together in the in the audio, I can certainly help you with that because I’m bilingual. I was born and raised in Haiti.
So I speak both Haitian Creole and French. That’s why I can make the connections between the two languages. Um and of course if you need help let me know. This is it for today. Thank you so much for your time and until the next video

Swans Paul, Haitian Creole Translator, (and a polyglot who speaks Haitian Creole, French, English, Brazilian-Portuguese, Spanish, and some Italian), born in Haiti and college-educated in the US. Over 9 years of experience in Haitian Creole translation, transcription, editing. Worked as a Haitian Creole translator in two movies: the Will Smith Movie: Emancipation; and “The Exorcist: Believer”.
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