“Ignorant” translates as “Inyoran” in Haitian Creole Meaning: “Ignorant” = “Inyoran” Pronunciation: “Inyoran” Pronunciation in Haitian Creole by a native Haitian can be heard in the audio here or in [...]
“Back” translates as “Do” in Haitian Creole Meaning: “Back” = “Do” Pronunciation: “Do” Pronunciation in Haitian Creole by a native Haitian can be heard in the audio here or in [...]
“Deportation” translates as “Depòtasyon” in Haitian Creole Meaning: “Deportation” = “Depòtasyon” Pronunciation: “Depòtasyon” Pronunciation in Haitian Creole by a native Haitian can be heard in the audio here or in [...]
“Absence” translates as “Absans” in Haitian Creole Meaning: “Absence” = “Absans” Pronunciation: “Absans” Pronunciation in Haitian Creole by a native Haitian can be heard in the audio here or in [...]
“Absent” translates as “Absan” in Haitian Creole Meaning: “Absent” = “Absan” Pronunciation: “Absan” Pronunciation in Haitian Creole by a native Haitian can be heard in the audio here or in [...]
“Accident” translates as “Aksidan” in Haitian Creole Meaning: “Accident” = “Aksidan” Pronunciation: “Aksidan” Pronunciation in Haitian Creole by a native Haitian can be heard in the audio here or in [...]
“Actor” translates as “Aktè” in Haitian Creole Meaning: “Actor” = “Aktè” Pronunciation: “Aktè” Pronunciation in Haitian Creole by a native Haitian can be heard in the audio here or in [...]