“Are you pregnant” translates as “Èske ou ansent” in Haitian Creole Meaning: “Are you pregnant” = “Èske ou ansent” Pronunciation: “Èske ou ansent” Pronunciation in Haitian Creole by a native [...]
“Allergy” translates as “Alèji” in Haitian Creole Meaning: “Allergy” = “Alèji” Pronunciation: “Alèji” Pronunciation in Haitian Creole by a native Haitian can be heard in the audio here or in [...]
“Are you allergic to any medicine?” translates as “Èske ou fè alèji a nenpòt medikaman?” in Haitian Creole Meaning: “Are you allergic to any medicine?” = “Èske ou fè alèji [...]
“Are you constipated” translates as “Èske ou konstipe?” in Haitian Creole Meaning: “Are you constipated” = “Èske ou konstipe?” Pronunciation: “Èske ou konstipe?” Pronunciation in Haitian Creole by a native [...]
“Are you having trouble breathing” translates as “Èske ou gen difikilte pou respire” in Haitian Creole Meaning: “Are you having trouble breathing” = “Èske ou gen difikilte pou respire” Pronunciation: [...]
“Ignorance” translates as “Inyorans” in Haitian Creole Meaning: “Ignorance” = “Inyorans” Pronunciation: “Inyorans” Pronunciation in Haitian Creole by a native Haitian can be heard in the audio here or in [...]
“Do you have trouble hearing” translates as “Èske ou gen difikilte pou tande” in Haitian Creole Meaning: “Do you have trouble hearing” = “Èske ou gen difikilte pou tande” Pronunciation: [...]